Station 4 - Just One Deep Place

Journal Questions

Images, pictures, sounds, or phrases from Just One Deep Place that captured my attention include:

"Monasticism calls for a breadth and universality of vision that sees everything in the light of the One Truth." - Father Thomas Merton

For me, to practice seeing “everything in the light of the One Truth” means:

The message I received that seems to be the same in Just One Deep Place, regardless of the speaker or origin from East or West, is:

An example of “synchronicity” I experienced in my personal life is:

Another place where I have experienced “time and space collapsing” exposing a strange universality (like the Crystals in the Beard theory) in my life is:

Jack Gillis talked about the “great movements” throughout human history when a common shift in consciousness occurred. The “great movement” needed in our time is:

Other questions I wish the group to discuss are:

Group Questions

What images, pictures, lines, or phrases linger in your memory from the module Just One Deep Place?

"Monasticism calls for a breadth and universality of vision that sees everything in the light of the One Truth." - Father Thomas Merton
What does it mean to practice seeing “everything in the light of the One Truth”

What common theme or message did you hear coming from the considerably different presenters in Just One Deep Place? What else did you hear?

What is a “coincidence” you have experienced in your life that helps to ground the “happening” of “synchronicity”?

Where have you experienced “time and space collapsing” exposing a strange universality (like the Crystals in the Beard theory)?

Jack Gillis talked about the “great movements” that have happened throughout human history when there was a common shift in consciousness. What is the “great movement” needed today?

What additional questions do you wish the group to discuss?

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