What are three things (images, sounds, lines of narrative, quotes, or concepts) I remember from this module?
The One Message I received from this module is:
The One Example from my own life experience that may help to illustrate this One Message is:
The One Practice (a daily personal intentional exercise or relationship) I might consider emerging from the encounter with this module is:
The One Quote that most connected with me, regardless of my capacity to fully understand it, is (paraphrase if not memorized):
The One Life Dynamic (a universal reality for all human beings) treated in this module I wish to discuss with others is:
What is something you simply remember (images, sounds, lines of narrative, quotes, or concepts) from this module?
What is the One Message you received from this module?
What is the One Quote emerging from this module you wish the group to discuss and illuminate:
What is One Example from your own life that might illuminate the message of this module?
What is One Practice you might consider as a result of the encounter with this module?
What is One Life Dynamic treated in this module we wish to discuss?
What else might be helpful to discuss?