The 3 elements that most captured my attention in this Station were...
The circumstances that occasioned my first reflections on the questions of What is life and What is real were...
The Presence I encounter when I am alone is...
I sense Its Presence by...
The name I give to It is...
The ways I pay attention to It include...
My favorite distractions for ignoring It include...
3 encounters with the reality of death that have impacted me include...
The methods I use for visiting the hour of my death include...
The personal life practices I will now begin or continue as a result of my encounter with this Station include...
What images, sounds, concepts, or messages caught your attention in this Station What stuck in your consciousness What do you remember (Recreate a group verbal montage of the Station without reflection on specific elements but simply bringing the material back to mind).
When in your own life has the question of What is life or What is real been raised for you What were the circumstances that precipitated this reflection
How have you experienced yourself attempting to ignore or avoid wrestling with these questions What are your favorite methods for staying on the surface of material existence and ignoring the depth
What is a universal human experience How do we know when we are experiencing such an experience
How do you experience or have you experienced the Presence that is being pointed to in Station 1
How do you acknowledge this Presence in your daily life How do you find yourself actively seeking it out
What methods do you find helpful for visiting the hour of your death
What is Ultimate
What clues did you receive from Station 1 as to what it means to have an Ultimate Encounter How do you experience this encounter in your life
What potential personal practices did you discern from this Station
What additional questions are raised for you, by the encounter with this Station, that you would like the group to discuss or address now