Bead 7 - Go Deep!

Journal Questions

What specific lines, phrases, or presenter voices captured my attention in Go Deep... Living Beneath the Surface?

To me, living from the “center of my being” means…

When the Narrator states that “the only reality we are dealing with is consciousness,” I interpret this to mean…

The universal message I received from Joe Slicker about human consciousness is…

Three situations where I easily get caught “living on the surface of life” include…

The “snakes and vipers” appear in my life when…

My five favorite preoccupations include…

I believe Teresa of Avila establishes a connection between “self-knowledge” and “humility” because…

Choose one of the following five quotes from Teresa of Avila to explore:

"…what a blessed madness…"

"…how Thou dost afflict Thy lovers!"

"…how different thought is from understanding."

"…we now begin to touch the essence beyond the five senses."

"…the important thing is not to think much, but to love much…"

In my own words, I believe this quote means…

I have experienced this in my own life when…

By having no moderation in contemplation one will arrive at perfect moderation in everything else.

"That in everything except contemplation a person ought to be moderate."

I believe the message of the above quote from The Cloud of Unknowing is…

As a result of my encounter with Go Deep... Living Beneath the Surface, new or renewed personal practices I may consider include:

Other questions I wish the group to discuss are:

Group Questions

What lines or phrases linger in your memory from the Entanglement Bead Go Deep….Living Beneath the Surface?

Share your perspective on the narrator’s comment that “the deeper path is generally one human being’s approach with resistance.”

What is the meaning of “living from the center” of one’s being? What illustration can you share from your own life?

Is Joe Slicker simply a crazy old man or does he have something universal to teach us about human consciousness? What message did you receive from his communication?

Someone summarize the concept of Teresa of Avila’s 7 Circles.

How do you talk about “living on the surface of life?” What are the commonalities of Joe Slicker’s commentary on the Dense Dimension (body, mind, emotions) and Teresa of Avila’s Outermost Circle?
How do you experience this in your life?

Talk about the link Teresa of Avila promotes between “self-knowledge” and “humility.” Why isn’t she promoting self-confidence, self-help, and self-improvement?

Choose one of the following five quotes from Teresa of Avila to explore:

"…what a blessed madness…"

"…how Thou dost afflict Thy lovers!"

"…how different thought is from understanding."

"…we now begin to touch the essence beyond the five senses."

"…the important thing is not to think much, but to love much…"

In my own words, I believe this quote means…

I have experienced this in my own life when…

By having no moderation in contemplation one will arrive at perfect moderation in everything else.

"That in everything except contemplation a person ought to be moderate."

I believe the message of the above quote from The Cloud of Unknowing is…

What additional questions do you wish the group to discuss?

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