What specific lines, phrases, or presenter voices captured my attention in Bead 4?
Seven individuals who reside within my being in my “Interior Council†(Gene Marshall) include:
In the front seat on the front role of my Interior Council is ______________. The role this Voice plays in my life is…
In my lifetime, one Voice I have dismissed from my Interior Council is ________________. This Voice was dismissed from my Interior Council because…
As a result of my encounter with Interior Dialogue with the Great Voices, new or renewed personal practices I may now consider include:
What other questions do you wish the group to discuss?
What lines or phrases linger in your memory from Entanglement Bead Interior Dialogue with the Great Voices?
Share the first or first and last name of one individual on your “Interior Council†and the role this Voice plays in your inner dialogue.
Share the Voice that sits in the front seat of your Interior Council and the role this Voice plays in your life.
Share a Voice you have dismissed from your Interior Council and why.
What additional questions do you wish the group to discuss?