The Transparency

Journal Questions

The 3 elements that most captured my attention in this Station were

The meaning of transparency is

Sometimes in the middle of all of the changing realities in my life I will catch a glimpse of The Unchanging peering through. An example of where this happened to me recently is

Times when I have glimpsed the old in the new or the new in the old include

Sometimes in the middle of all of the specific detailed realities in my life I will catch a glimpse of The Universal peering through. An example of where that happened to me recently is

A near-death experience that gave me a glimpse over the rim of the abyss was

From that experience I began to perceive and relate to life differently in the following ways

The personal life practices I will now begin or continue as a result of my encounter with this Station include

Group Questions

What images, sounds, concepts, or messages caught your attention in this Station What stuck in your consciousness What do you remember (Recreate a group verbal montage of the Station without reflection on specific elements but simply bringing the material back to mind).

What is Transparency

Where in your life do you encounter The Unchanging in the midst of all the changes

Talk about your understanding of the practice of Deep Seeing How do you find yourself practicing this relational exercise in your life

Where does the Infinite appear within the finite

Where does the old appear within the new or the new in the old

Where in your day-to-day ordinary life experience do you catch yourself grasping the universal in the specific

Where has a near-death experience given you a glimpse over the rim of the abyss

Where in your life do you experience an encounter with the barely thinkable or pondering the imponderable What examples can you share

What potential personal practices did you discern from this Station

What additional questions are raised for you, by the encounter with this Station, that you would like the group to discuss or address now

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