The 3 elements that most captured my attention in this Station were
The first time I remember feeling restless in life; as if something was missing, was
My 5 favorite habits are
3 habits I have nurtured in the past but have since changed include
3 instances when I experienced myself to be living in a protective box, insulated from some greater Reality, include
An illusion is
Living in Reality means
The personal life practices I will now begin or continue as a result of my encounter with this Station include
What images, sounds, concepts, or messages caught your attention in this Station What stuck in your consciousness What do you remember (Recreate a group verbal montage of the Station without reflection on specific elements but simply bringing the material back to mind).
When was the first time you remember feeling a call to break from the past in the form of restlessness, into the darkness of an unknown future
Where have you awakened to your experience of living in a box What are your favorite habits or social conditioning
What is an illusion Why is illusion the most popular journey through life
What is the darkness of living in a box
What do you think authenticity has to do with living in Reality, as opposed to illusion What examples can you share
What potential personal practices did you discern from this Station
What additional questions are raised for you, by the encounter with this Station, that you would like the group to discuss or address now