My Primary Relationship

Journal Questions

What objective realities stuck in my memory from the encounter with My Primary Relationship: images, pictures, objects, sounds, lines of text, etc. (Quickly re-create a surface-level recall of the experience).

When you hear the words The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao What sense do you make out of them

What are some of the secondary relationships with which you practice identifying How do you react to the thought that these are secondary

Up until now, what have your considered to be your Primary Relationship

What difference does it make to your life to grasp that the basic relationship that constitutes you as a person is a relationship to the Unknowable Unknown

How does one live with such uncertainty and mystery

How does one choose to have a primary relationship to ones Primary Relationship Why does this choosing allow one to have a life of depth and authenticity

What name would you give to this Primary Relationship

As a result of the encounter with My Primary Relationship life practices, postures, or next steps you are inclined to consider include:

Other questions that are raised by the encounter with My Primary Relationship, and that you wish to explore more deeply, include:

Group Questions

What images or pictures caught your attention in this module What sounds did you hear What lines of text do you remember What else connected with your awareness; what else do you remember (Recreate a group verbal montage of the cinematic art form without reflection on specific elements but simply bringing the material back to mind).

When you hear the words The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao What sense do you make out of them

What are some of the secondary relationships with which you practice identifying

Up until now, what have your considered to be your Primary Relationship

What has been your experience of depending on secondary relationships as your Primary Relationship

When you hear the words in relating itself to itself and in willing to be itself the self rests transparently in the power that establishes (posits) it, what sense can you make of them

How do these words point us to the power of relating to the Unknowable Unknown as your Primary Relationship

How does one live with such uncertainty and mystery

How does one choose to have a primary relationship to ones Primary Relationship Why does this choosing allow one to have a life of depth and authenticity

What name would you give to this Primary Relationship

What is the relief in living focused on our Primary Relationship

How might your life be different moving forward as a result of engaging My Primary Relationship What new life practices or postures are you inclined to consider

What other questions are raised for you by this encounter with My Primary Relationship that you wish for the group to discuss

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