What objective realities stuck in my memory from the encounter with The Great Practice: images, pictures, objects, sounds, lines of text, etc. (Quickly re-create a surface-level recall of the experience).
The 3 elements from The Great Practice that most captured my attention were.
What are some other words that might mean practice
What practices did you observe in The Great Practice
What is something you have practiced How often What happened to you as you practiced
Who were the people who demonstrated practice in this module What comments did they make that resonated with you
What is inside practice
Which of your practices make you feel happy or content
In which of your practices do you struggle
What happens if you dont practice
Why is what you practice important to consider
How does what one practices inform us of who a person is What does it reveal
How do I practice an intentional interior life
How do I practice a relationship to what is really real
As a result of the encounter with The Great Practice life practices, postures, or next steps I am inclined to consider include:
Other questions raised for me by the encounter with The Great Practice that I wish to explore more deeply include:
What images or pictures caught your attention in this module What sounds did you hear What lines of text do you remember What else connected with your awareness; what else do you remember (Recreate a group verbal montage of the cinematic module without reflection on specific elements but simply bringing the material back to mind).
What practices did you observe in this module
Which of the practitioners were you drawn to in The Great Practice What was it in their presentation that resonated with you
What practices do you carry out in your own life
Why is practice important to consider What message did you take away from The Great Practice
What does someones practice reveal about who they are and who they are choosing to be
What sustains you when the practice gets tough What keeps you from giving up
How does your practice help you live your life
How do you prepare yourself internally to do your practice
What is The Great Practice communicating about the nature of inside practice
How do you practice a relationship to what is really real
How might your life be different moving forward as a result of engaging this art form What new relational practices or postures are you inclined to consider
What questions are raised for you by this encounter with The Great Practice that you wish for the group to discuss