Ten Critical Pillars of the New Global Myth
Below are my personal ten critical pillars of the new Global Myth. I will only briefly say why, but each deserves a paper explaining in depth why it will be part of any global myth. As part of the context we need to understand the difference between Global and Universal. A universal myth would be one that everyone can relate to and be nurtured by. A global myth does not need to be for everyone, but it will based on the reality that for the Twenty-first Century life is truly global, and I mean that to include much more than geography. As for the number ten, it seemed like a nice number, not too few, and not too many. They are not in any particular order.
- The New Global Myth (NGM) will be an expression of our diversity. Our humanness is, and always will be, about diversity. Therefore there will be lots of forms, expressions, stories and symbols. There is not a holy grail of one NGM that suits all.
- The NGM diversity will be empowered by the expressions of humanness we (the Order/Ecumenical Institute/ICA) tried to express with the term the six global Urs. Each of the six (white, red, tan, black, yellow and brown) related to, and built their civilizing process on, a different ontological relationship to the Mystery. It will be in the grasping of the commonness of the roots that we will acknowledge our unity, not in the branches and fruit. Grafting will not be necessary or very helpful.
- The NGM will be expressed primarily through the arts; song, dance, poetry, photography, drama, architectural designs, painting etc. Do not look for it to be an explanation, a rational understanding or treatise. These can never be the container or vehicle for the NGM.
- The NGM will celebrate the systemic nature of reality and the interdependence of all; animate and inanimate. Not only is the wholeness related to life that includes everything; seen and unseen, near and far, past and future, but we will come to recognize and express the nature of this wholeness as a System that unifies all of lifes experience and our scientific understanding. It will replace the current god of science with the humble understanding of the creative process. It will integrate the explicit and implicit aspects of life.
- The NGM will be based on the mystery of the circle, the relationship of the periphery to the center; that each is known only through the communication with the other, and yet neither can be fully known. We are simultaneously all unified in our common relatedness to the center (oneness) and separate from each other (many-ness) in our presence on the periphery. We are one and many at the same time. Therefore, the Oneness of life is but part of the NGM.
- The NGM will be an expression of the universal triad of the Creative Process. The evolution of our universe and life on earth has a universal set of energy centers that are the basis of all creation. These three energies have been expressed in religious language from the beginning, as revealed to those exploring the Mystery. We have those three centers within us (left brain, right brain and limbic system) and our creative process and the universes creative process are one and the same. Only the scale is different.
- The NGM will enable us to build a new society. The forms and dynamics we establish for the human species and its earth stewardship to live in harmony, peace and joy will draw on our understandings of our NGM and our attempts to express them in how we live life. However, unlike previous attempts (see the The New Castle by Malachi Martin) these new forms will be ever-changing, dynamical and temporal. Nothing will be locked down, or locked up. The very uncertainty and changing of life will be embodied in the NGM.
- The NGM will have as its central tenant (in some way) the Word of Life; that the very essence of existence is a YES (approved, good, open and received). The way life is, is the way it has always been and will always be. The universal affirmation of life is beyond any particular form or expression, but has been, and needs to be, told and rehearsed again and again. We dont possess it, we receive it. It is the ground of our freedom.
- The NGM will be forged by those who understand the necessity of having a practice, a discipline and a rehearsal. The NGM is only created when one is adept at the exploration of the interior, and one lives as an expression of that exploration. There are many practices, but one needs to choose one and follow its path. There is a companion expression of a personal discipline that needs to be adhered to, and finally, one needs rehearsal regular engagement in the dance, song, drama or whatever, to connect with the Mystery.
- The NGM will be the home we seek as expressed in the Silence. You will only know the NGM when you are at home in the Silence, the Void, the Other World, the Transparency; whatever you name it. Form and emptiness, Being and becoming, Mystery and creation; they all meet us, and embrace us, in the Silence.